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2024中国-巴西联合数学会议(第二轮通知) 2024 2nd Brazil-China Joint Mathematical Meeting (2nd Notification)
来源: | 作者:school-100 | 发布时间: 291天前 | 719 次浏览 | 分享到:

一、会议主要议题  Main topic of the meeting
应用数学 Applied Mathematics

二、会议时间与地点  Meeting time and zone
          Meeting time: December 9th-13th, 2024
          Meeting zone: YINGBIN RESIDENCE SONGHU Hotel, Dongguan, China

三、会议组织 Hosts and Organizers of the Meeting
(一)主办单位: 广东省运筹学会、巴西数学会、巴西计算与应用数学会
Hosts: Guangdong Operations Research Society, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada
e Computacional
(二)承办单位: 东莞市大湾区高等研究院(大湾区大学(筹))、东莞理工学院
Organizers: Great Bay Institute for Advanced Study (Great Bay University), Dongguan University of Technology, China

四、科学委员会  Scientific Committee
田刚院士    北京大学、东莞市大湾区高等研究院,中国
袁亚湘院士  中国科学院、 中国科协副主席,中国
包刚院士    浙江大学,中国
汤涛院士    广州南方学院,中国
叶向东院士  中国科学技术大学, 中国
张平院士     中国科学院,中国
陈志明院士   中国科学院,中国
徐宗本院士   西安交通大学, 中国
Sergio Almaraz  巴西弗鲁米嫩塞联邦大学
Fernanda de Bastiani (UFPE)  巴西伯南布哥联邦大学
Douglas Gonçalves (UFSC) 巴西圣卡塔林娜联邦大学
Ma To Fu (UnB) 巴西巴西利亚大学
Jaqueline G. Mesquita (UnB, SBM) 巴西巴西利亚大学、巴西数学会理事长
Regilene dos Santos (ICMC-USP) 巴西圣保罗大学圣卡洛斯分校
Vilmar Trevisan (UFRGS) 巴西南大河联邦大学
Jinyun Yuan (UFPR) 巴西巴拉那联邦大学

Tian, Gang (Chinese Academician, Peking University, Great Bay Institute for Advanced Study, China and Chinese Mathematical Society - co-chair)
Yuan, Yaxiang (Chinese Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and Vice President of China Association of Science and Technology)
Bao, Gang (Chinese Academician, Zhejiang University, China)
Tang, Tao (Chinese Academician, South College of Guangzhou, China)
Ye, Xiangdong (Chinese Academician, University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Zhang, Ping (Chinese Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Zhiming Chen (Chinese Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Zongben Xu (Chinese Academician, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
Sergio Almaraz (Federal Fluminense University, Brazil)
Fernanda de Bastiani (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Douglas Gonçalves (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
To fu Ma (Brasilia University, Brazil)
Jaqueline G. Mesquita (Brasilia University, Brazil and President of Brazilian Mathematical Society)
Regilene dos Santos (University of São Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil)
Vilmar Trevisan (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Jinyun Yuan (Federal University of Parana, Brazil)

五、组织委员会  Organizing Committee
袁锦昀院士 中国东莞理工学院
姚正安教授  中国中山大学
段金桥教授  中国大湾区大学
刘群锋教授  中国东莞理工学院
靳志祥副教授 中国东莞理工学院
陈汉夫教授  中国香港城市大学
樊玉伟博士  中国华为中央研究院
吴凯博士 中国宁德时代首席科学家

Yuan, Jinyun (Dongguan University of Technology, China)
Yao, Zhengan (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Duan, Jinqiao (Great Bay University, China)
Liu, Qunfeng (Dongguan University of Technology, China)
Jin, Zhixiang (Dongguan University of Technology, China)
Raymond Chan (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Fan, Yuwei (Huawei, China)
Wu, Kai (Ningde Time, China)

六、部分大会报告人(待定)Part list of Plenary Speakers (TBA)
王小云院士 中国清华大学
张平 院士 中国科学院数学院
吕克宁教授 中国四川大学
文再文教授 中国北京大学

Wang, Xiaoyun (Tsinghua University, China)
Zhang, Ping (CAS, AMSS, China)
Lv, Kening (Sichuan University, China)
Wen, Zaiwen (Peking University, China)

七、参会方式  Attending methods
Please identify the QR code to register for the Meeting


八、专题会议申请  Thematic Session Application
Requirements for thematic session: no limit on the number of speakers, the level of speaker to be determined by the organizer, and the length of each speech to be 15-30 minutes. Thematic sessions will be responsible for the thematic session organizers.
Organizers who are interested in attending the thematic sessions are requested to fill out the following application(Thematic Session Application)and submit information to BCJMM2024@outlook.com.
Submission of Thematic Sections: Apr 1st – Jun 15th, accepted date is Jun 30th.
Submission of contributed talk: Apr 1st – Oct 10th.
All speakers have to submit the title and abstract with simple CV and photo to BCJMM2024_AB @outlook.com before Oct 10th.
All foreigners have to submit their passport information to the organizer before July 5th for official invitation letter and visa application, and authorization from Foreign Affair Ministry, China.

九、食宿、交通安排  Meals ,Accommodation and Transportation Arrangements
During the meeting, meals and accommodation will be arranged, with meals paid by the meeting, and accommodation paid by the guests (except special guests and plenary speakers who will be paid by the meeting). On the day of registration, the meeting will not arrange pickup. Please go to YINGBIN RESIDENCE SONGHU Hotel on your own.

十、联系方式   Contact Information
联系人及电话:蓝老师 13802396580
陈老师 0769-22898731

Contact person and number:Baoping Lan 13802396580
Jing Xiao 13790263237 Runxian Chen 0769-22898731

附件下载  Attachment Download:

Thematic Session Application